Temperatures are slowly but surely warming up, letting us know that spring is right around the corner and summer isn’t very far behind. You may think it’s not quite time yet to start thinking about your air conditioner, but we beg to differ. Now is the perfect time to start thinking about your air conditioner.
If you have an aging system and are considering a replacement this year, you may be considering a 2 zone HVAC system. A zoned HVAC system splits your home into “zones” using motorized dampers, controlled by external thermostats, which are placed in the ductwork. This allows you to turn off cooling (or heating) to one section of the home while still providing other sections of the home with cooling or heating. Will this type of cooling or heating benefit your home? Read on to find out!
The Benefits of Zoned HVAC
Zoned HVAC systems utilize less energy than traditional HVAC systems because it allows you to focus your cooling and heating in the areas of your home that actually need it, versus throughout the entire home. This means you pay less for your energy bills, there’s less wear and tear on your system throughout the year, and as a result, your HVAC system may even last longer (as long as it is well maintained!).
Choosing the Right Kind of Zoned HVAC System for Your Home
A standard 2 zone HVAC system is an excellent option for many homes throughout Atlanta and the surrounding areas. It can reduce your utility costs by as much as 30% and contribute to household comfort for every member of your family.
Take it a Step Further by Going Ductless!
Ductless HVAC systems take heating and cooling to a whole new level. A ductless system, as the name implies, does not use ducts. Instead, there is an outdoor unit that is connected to up to 4 indoor air handlers that can be wall-mounted in the various rooms of your home.
Due to the lack of ductwork, this system will reduce the risk of poor indoor air quality, and also won’t suffer from problems that central air conditioners and furnace sometimes do—like uneven heating or cooling throughout the home due to tears and leaks in the ducts.
A ductless system is the epitome of a zoned HVAC system. Each indoor air handler can be independently controlled from one another. You can have one room cooled to 78° in the summer while another room is set to 68° (for efficiency purposes, we don’t recommend setting a thermostat that low, but you get the gist!)
Traditional zoned systems and ductless HVAC systems are perfect for larger homes with multiple rooms, and especially great for homes with two stories or more, since heat rises and gives different cooling and heating needs to these homes.
We would love to talk to you about your options! Please give our team a call and ask about ductless and zoned cooling and heating.
Contact Dayco Systems today to get in touch with a professional and reliable Atlanta HVAC company.